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Collaborative Aotearoa are continually developing resources to facilitate your journey to become a Health Care Home.

Find tools, templates, plans, examples, presentations to support PHOs and practices as they navigate the implementation of the health care home characteristics.

Interactive Wheel

The Interactive Model of Care includes a vast set of resources to support the implementation of the model – this easy access approach to tool and resources supports change at scale and pace across our network.


Access our comprehensive range of webinars on a vast range of topics.


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64 Female

Sandra’s husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2012. As his disease progressed, their GP helped to co-ordinate services such as a home assessment, access to respite care and eventually help getting him into a rest home. Sandra was put in touch with an Alzheimer’s support group. Sandra also took advantage of being able to access their GP via phone to seek instant advice when she needed it.

“Having all this support has been marvellous & getting him into the home has meant I can be back as his wife, rather than just a carer”

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