Missed the webinar on Centering Equity in Collective Impact view it here

Leadership at the Grassroots – Helmut Modlik – Symposium 2022

Helmut Modlik (Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira) presents on how to deliver genuine change through leading from the grassroots, and gives his thoughts on what’s required for the health sector to thrive with the upcoming health reforms.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Effective Community Engagement – Alexandra Nicholas – Symposium 2022

Auckland based community organiser Alexandra Nicholas presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on her mahi, and how to effectively and authentically engage with communities.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Working in Partnership for Tangata Whenua Wellbeing – Shirleyanne Brown – Symposium 2022

Shirleyanne Brown presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on authentically partnering for tangata whenua wellbeing. Presentation Slides – Shirleyanne Brown

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Helen Robinson’s Presentation on Authentic Collaboration – Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022

Auckland City Missioner Helen Robinson presents on Authentic Collaboration, with a focus on the creation of the HomeGround base and it’s interactions, both historic and contemporary, with the Auckland community.   Webinar Presentation – Helen Robinson

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Collective Action Within Communities Presentation – Amarjit Maxwell – Symposium 2022

Amarjit Maxwell of Collaborative Aotearoa gives a presentation to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on Collective Action within Communities.   Presentation Slides – Amarjit Maxwell

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Welcome and Opening – Amarjit Maxwell and Mark Liddle – Symposium 2022

Mark Liddle and Amarjit Maxwell present the welcoming and opening to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022. Presentation Slides – Amarjit Maxwell

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Webinar | Community Partnership and Engagement | 22nd June 2022

A panel hosted by Kirsten Kyle, in which our panellists Alex Nicholas and Karōria Johns discuss how to authentically engage with communities. Webinar Slides

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Posted: July 6, 2022Category:

Webinar | Centering Equity in Collective Impact | 21 April 2021

Hosted by Amarjit Maxwell, CE Collaborative Aotearoa, we are pleased to bring back Paul Schmitz, beaming in from the US. A recently published paper, focusing on centering equity and collective impact reflects the evolution in this space. Paul was a crucial partner in the development of this paper and has been working in close proximity ...

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Posted: April 22, 2022Category:

Webinar | Collective Action for Communities – Part 3 | 8 Jun 2021

The Collective Impact approach is already being used with success in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Learn more about the the reality of implementation, the challenges and the benefits for our whānau and communities.

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Posted: October 29, 2021Category:

Webinar | Collective Action for Communities – Part 2 | 28 May 2021

Part 2 of the Collective Impact series where we explore and discuss how the framework can be applied in a New Zealand setting. We also hear about how the consumer voice can be used with the move to localities. Webinar Slides – Kaupapa Paradox Webinar Slides – Tihei Mauri Ora

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Posted: October 29, 2021Category:

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